

The data below shows an example of what we expect the data you send us to look like in your Transactions CSV files. The following data would generate a 2-line Invoice and a Credit Note with a single line.

Invoice;Approved;CLX123;x1234;CLX456;CLX153;GB1234;;GBP;2021-01-01;2021-03-01;2021-02-20;1000.00;200.00;;false;;Example description

Data Overview

The following table details what fields are required and what fields are optional:

Element Name Type Description Required
Type String Must be one of:
  • Purchase Order
  • Invoice
  • Credit
State String This is flexible per process, but we would recommend one of:
  • Approved,
  • ForApproval,
  • Held,
  • Paid,
  • Proposed,
  • RejectedCanceled.
Reference String This is your reference for the transaction, this needs to be globally unique as it matches future versions of the transaction using this. Yes
CreditorTransactionRef String This is the supplier’s invoice reference, or the “VAT reference” for the transaction. Yes
DebtorRef String This is your reference for the buyer. Yes
CreditorRef String This is your reference for the supplier. Yes
VATRef String The VAT reference for the supplier. Yes
Currency String This is the currency used for the transaction amounts, this needs to be the standardised currency code, e.g., GBP, EUR, USD. Yes
DocDate String The “tax point” or the issue date of the transaction. Yes
DueDate String The date which the transaction is due to be paid. Yes
PaymentDate String The expected payment date (or the date of the pay run). Yes
RelatedTransactionRef String This property is to be set on Credits ONLY and should be populated with the reference of the Invoice that you wish to link the Credit to. No
PayRef String This property is the payment reference ant is ONLY required when generating a line on a Remittance Advice. Please note that when generating payments, the state on the transaction should be set to “Paid”. Yes – When the state is set to paid
Value Number This is the total value, excluding VAT. Yes
GrossValue Number This is the total value, including VAT. Yes
Tax Value Number This is the amount of tax applied to the transaction line. Yes
IsFundable Boolran This tells the system whether this line can be funded or not. No
AlsoPayOffer Boolean This clears any attached accepted offers on a transaction. Yes – For Remittance Advice
DescriptionStringThis is an informational field to be displayed inside transaction views. No processing is done with this field.No

There are a few, very important things to note here when producing your transaction files:

  • Dates should be in the format “yyyy-mm-dd”, this applies to ALL date columns (DocDate, DueDate, PaymentDate),
  • Monetary values/amounts should be formatted using UK number formatting, e.g., “1000.00”,
  • Transactions are grouped by Reference to determine what line items on each transaction, so each row of data with the same reference will appear as lines on a single transaction in the UI.
  • For Remittance Advice rows they are grouped by PayRef, so rows with the same PayRef will appear as lines on a single Remittance Advice in the UI.