Accessing the Accept Offers Page

This page lives underneath the "Early Payments" page in the navigation bar, if you hover over it you will see the "Accept Offers" page. Clicking on this will take you to this page.

The UI

When you access this page, it looks something like this:

There are two tabs in this UI, that display different information. In the screenshot above (the "Proposed Offers" tab) these are the proposed offers (A La Carte) offers that can be accepted. In the "Accepted Offers" tab is where you can view any offers that have already been accepted (through both systematic acceptance or a la carte acceptance. These two grids are explained in further detail below.

Next Cut-off Details

This is an overview of the next cutoff event, that our system uses to generate offers. It looks something like this:

The next cut-off countdown (on the left) displays how long is left before the next cut-off event, this is used by our system to generate offers.

The information on the right, displays the total number offer offers in the system. "Early Payment Proposed" is the sum of the values (and the count) of the A La Carte offers currently in the system that can be accepted. Which can be viewed in the "Proposed Offers" tab of the "Accept Offers" page.

The "Early Payment Accepted" displays the sum of the values (and the count) of the offers that have been accepted, either Systematically or A La Carte. These can be viewed in the "Accepted Offers" tab of the "Accept Offers" page.

"Early Payment Rejected" is the sum of the values (and the count) of the offers that have been marked as rejected in the system. Clicking this link will take you to the "Rejected Offers" page where there'll be a grid detailing all of the offers that have been marked as rejected in the system.

Proposed Offers Tab

This tab displays a grid that contains all of the offers that can be accepted in the system. It looks something like this:

The table below explains the data that's in each of the columns:

Column HeaderDescription
Expiry DateThis searches the column for anything that contains the value specified in the filter.
Client NameThis searches the column for anything that starts with the value that's specified in the filter.
Supplier NameThis searches the column for an exact match to the value specified in the filter.
NumberThis filters out anything that matches the value specified in the filter.
Fundable ValueThis is the value on the transaction that can be funded.
Offer ValueThis is the value of the offer that has been made on the transaction.
CostThis is the total cost of the funding on the transaction.
CurrencyThis is the currency of the transaction that the offer has been generated on.
Doc. DateThis is the issue date or "Tax Point" on the transaction.
Buyer Payment DateThis is the date that the transaction is expected to be paid by the buyer.
Funder Payment DateThis is the date that the transaction was paid by the funder.

Export Button

All of the data in this grid can be exported from our system and downloaded in the format you require. Clicking the "Export" button will bring up a dialog that looks something like this:

To export the data in the format you'd like, you select the appropriate option from the dropdown menu and click the "Download" button. This will then download the data to your computer.

Accepting Offers

Accept All Button

This button will accept all offers that are visible in the "Proposed Offers" grid. This action comes with an "Are you Sure?" dialog as this action cannot be undone. To continue with the action of accepting all of the proposed offers, click confirm in this dialog.

Manually Selecting Offers

Selecting offers is as simple as clicking the checkboxes on the offers you wish to accept. Doing so will look something like this:

At the top of the grid, it gives a breakdown of the offers that have been selected to make it easier for you to understand certain information. This looks something like this:

As you can see, the total number of offers that have been selected to be accepted is 3, the Total Cost that of accepting those offers is 5,314 EUR and the Total Item Value is 260,433.13 EUR.

To accept these offers, you click the "Accept Selectedbutton in the header of the grid. This will tell our system that these are the offer's you wish to accept and will move them from the "Proposed Offers" grid to the "Accepted Offers" grid. See how to accept these offers in the Accept Selected Button section

Select To Button

This is a way to select many offers in one go up to a specified value, this feature is particularly useful if you have a set budget to accept A La Carte offers with. If you type in a value of 1,000,000 EUR, the system will automatically select the offers (from the smallest cost value to the largest cost value) up to but not exceeding that value. Doing this in the system looks something like this:

As you can see here, not all of the offers have been selected due to the way the selection process works. It ensures that the value can get as close as possible to the set limit so that it doesn't cross it. See how to accept these below.

Accept Selected Button

To accept these offers, you click the "Accept Selectedbutton in the header of the grid. This will tell our system that these are the offer's you wish to accept and will move them from the "Proposed Offers" grid to the "Accepted Offers" grid.

Filtering the Data

You may notice that all of the columns in this grid have a filter icon in them, this allows you to simply break out the information you're particularly interested by clicking on this icon. The sections below explain how to use each filter if you're unsure.

Expiry Date Filter

To filter by this column, you click the filter icon in this column header, doing so will bring up a filter dialog that looks something like this:

You can select the dates you want to filter by by clicking the calendar icon on the left-hand-side of the text box. This will bring up a dialog that looks something like this:

To select the date you wish to filter by you select it in this dialog. You can navigate through the months using the arrows and quickly select the current date by clicking the text at the bottom of the dialog. You can specify date ranges to filter the data by, this is explained below.

Filtering by Date Ranges

The dropdown has a selection of "From" which will filter out dates that come before the one specified, you can also select "To" in this dialog, which will filter out any dates that come after the one specified. Using this "From" and "To" you can specify an exact date range. This is particularly useful if you want to find the offers with the expiry dates within a particular month.

To filter out any offers that expire from the 1st of May 2024 to the 12th of June 2024 in the grid, you would need to specify this in the filter dialog:

Clicking the "Filter" button will confirm the filter conditions. Once confirmed this will then filter out any offers with expiry dates that do not fall in between the two dates specified from the grid.

Client Name Filter

To filter this column, you click the filter icon in this column header, doing so will bring up a filter dialog that looks something like this:

Typically there is only one client company per portal, however, if there are more than one you can filter the data by selecting the company name you're interested in and clicking the "Filter" button. Once confirmed, the grid will no longer display any data that doesn't fit the filter criteria.

Supplier Name Filter

To filter this column, you click the filter icon in this column header, doing so will bring up a filter dialog that looks something like this:

Here there is a full list of the supplier companies in the system. From this list you can select the companies which you're interested in to view their data and click the "Filter" button to confirm. Once confirmed, the grid will no longer display any data that doesn't fit the filter criteria.

Number Filter

To filter by this column, you click the filter icon in this column header, doing so will bring up a filter dialog that looks something like this:

In the top dropdown in this dialog, there are four option which are explained in the table below:

ContainsThis searches the column for anything that contains the value specified in the filter.
Starts WithThis searches the column for anything that starts with the value that's specified in the filter.
Is Equal ToThis searches the column for an exact match to the value specified in the filter.
Is Not Equal ToThis filters out anything that matches the value specified in the filter.


This dialog accepts two conditions, where you can filter in the case where both conditions are met by using the "And" or you can filter based on one or the other being met by setting it to "Or". Once you have input the values you want to filter by in the boxes, click "Filter" to confirm. Once confirmed, the grid will be filtered based on the criteria you set in the filter dialog.

Fundable Value Filter

To filter by this column, you click the filter icon in this column header, doing so will bring up a filter dialog that looks something like this:

In the top dropdown in this dialog, there are four option which are explained in the table below:

Greater ThanThis searches the column for any Values greater than the value specified in the filter.
Less ThanThis searches the column for any Values less than the value specified in the filter
Is Equal ToThis searches the column for an exact match to the value specified in the filter.
Is Not Equal ToThis filters out anything that matches the value specified in the filter.

This dialog accepts two conditions, where you can filter in the case where both conditions are met by using the "And" or you can filter based on one or the other being met by setting it to "Or". Once you have input the values you want to filter by in the boxes, click "Filter" to confirm. Once confirmed, the grid will only show the payments that fit the filter criteria.

Offer Value Filter

This filter works the same way as the filter for the "Fundable Value", see above for the explanation of how to use it.

Cost Filter

This filter works in the same way as the filter for the "Fundable Value", see above for the explanation of how to use it.

Currency Filter

To filter by this column, you click the filter icon in this column header, doing so will bring up a filter dialog that looks something like this:

Here you select the currency of the payments you wish to look at. Clicking "Filter" will confirm the specified conditions and the grid will only display the payment in the currency you selected.

Doc Date Filter

This filter works in the same way as the "Expiry Date" explained above. For information on how to use it, please read this section.

Buyer Payment Date Filter

This filter works in the same way as the "Expiry Date" explained above. For information on how to use it, please read this section.

Funder Payment Date Filter

This filter works in the same way as the "Expiry Date" explained above. For information on how to use it, please read this section.

Accepted Offers Grid

The accepted offers grid that lives in the other tab on this page looks something like this:

As you can see, this is extremely similar to the proposed offers grid, however you do not have the functionality to accept offers as they've already been accepted to be visible in this grid. All of the columns are the same and are in the same order for simplicity and the explanations above will cover any information you need to understand.

Viewing a Early Payment Offer's Details

There are two ways in which you can view an credit's details, you can do this by expanding an credit in the grid which looks something like this:

To better understand the information on the early payment details, click here.