Accessing the Home Page

If you click the company logo in the top right of the header bar, it will take you to the portal's landing page. Here, you will find useful information, such as the details of the next cut off event and an overview of the active transactions that are in the system.

The UI

For ease of explanation, I will split this page into two sections, the first section looks something like this:

On the left, there is a slideshow which can be customised to display any images provided to us. The top right is the "Welcome Banner", the box below that depicts the next cutoff information. These will all be explained in more detail below.

The next section, breaks down the charts (and grid), which provide an overview of any active transactions in the system. This looks something like this:

These 4 boxes will be broken down in more detail below so that you can get a better understanding of the data they represent.


This is a nice-to-have feature, where we can display any client-relevant images for promotional purposes.

Welcome Message

This is a useful feature, it can be used to display an important message to your suppliers, or it can be as generic as "Welcome to our Demo Portal!". It provides a nice way to give information or just to say a gentle hello to the user who's logged in.

Next Cutoff Information

This is an overview of the next cut off event, that our system uses to generate offers:

The next cutoff countdown (on the left) displays how long is left before the next cutoff event, this is used in the portal to generate offers.

The information on the right, displays the number of offers in the system. "Early Payment Proposed"  is the sum (and count) of the A La Carte offers that can be accepted. To view these, you can click on the text and it will take you to the appropriate page.

The "Early Payment Accepted" displays the sum (and count) of the offers that have already been accepted, either Systematically or A La Carte. Clicking on this text will take you to the page to view a grid of accepted offers.

"Early Payment Rejected" is the sum (and count) of the offers that have been marked as rejected in the system.

Active Transactions Grouped by Client State

This pie chart uses the active transactions data. This is data that can be found in the Active Transactions page (under the transactions nav element).

As you can see, there are two states which the transactions are grouped by in this instance they are "Eligible" and "Approved". The states which these are grouped by are set on the transactions in the files that are sent to us for import.

Funding Analysis

This grid breaks down the finance suppliers in the system, which highlights the benefits they get by 

The "Supplier Name" is the name of the supplier which is provided in the masterdata file sent to us, "Value (Including Tax)" is the value on the invoice that had funding applied to it. The "Cost (Including Tax) is the total cost of that funding. The "Analysis Overview" breaks out the amount that was paid, when it was paid (when it was sent to our system in a state of "paid") and the term that it would've been paid over, had it not been paid early.

Outstanding Transactions by Due Date

This chart displays any transactions that are outstanding (unpaid, but their due date hasn't yet passed). This gives an overview of the transactions that are due to be paid within the current payment run.

Hovering over the chart's bar will give the exact value of outstanding transactions that are due on that date. As you can see, the outstanding transactions value for the 21st of July 2024 is 23,104,427.13 GBP.

Financial Forecast

This is an overview of the of the approved receivables (invoices in our system that are marked as "approved') that are due to be paid in the payment run, the accumulative is the expected amount that will be paid during the payment run.

Hovering over the chart's bars will give the exact value of the approved invoices due to be paid. As you can see here, for July 2024, the accumulative forecast is 76,525,724.98 EUR.